Saturday, July 19, 2014

Jesus Chooses(Names) his Disciples

                                         Jesus chooses his disciples                                       Pg.1
Luke 6:12  And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.
Luke 6:13  When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles:
Luke 6:14  Simon (whom he named Peter), his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew,
Luke 6:15  Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called the Zealot,
Luke 6:16  Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.
Luke 6:17  He went down with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of his disciples was there and a great number of people from all over Judea, from Jerusalem, and from the coastal region around Tyre and Sidon,
Luke 6:18  who had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. Those troubled by impure spirits were cured,
Luke 6:19  and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all.

Jesus Prays
Luke 6:12  And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.

He went into a mountain for privacy. He continued all night in prayer. We are never less alone than when we are alone in prayer to God. We think one half hour a great deal to spend in the duties of our prayer time; but Christ continued a whole night in meditation and secret prayer. We have a great deal of business at the throne of grace, and we should take a great delight in communion with God, and by both these we may be kept sometimes long at prayer. Prayer in which we must keep up our communion with God daily, and without which it is impossible that the soul should prosper.

Q.1 Can we theorize about that which Jesus prayed for so long?                                                      
Q.2 Are we willing to spend that amount of time in prayer?                                                    
 Q.3 Are there things in our world today to compare to that which Jesus might pray about?
Q.4 How does being alone when praying to God help?                                                                  
Q.5 Evaluate your own prayer life. Do we offer God our prayers on a regular enough basis that he will know who we are when we call?
Q.6 Is there much that can go on in prayer, that one might misspeak a request?
Q.7 So should we be precise in our conversation with God
Read the meditation for a list of the prayers Jesus made in the new testament

Jesus Calls
Luk 6:13  And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles;

He did not stop or take a nap or get anything to eat, they were not at a “get together” this was the business of spreading his message throughout the world.
It is now that Jesus names the twelve, his immediate attendants, that should be the constant auditors of his doctrine and eye-witnesses of his miracles, in order that they might be sent forth as apostles, his messengers to the world, to preach his gospel to it, and plant his church in it.  After he had continued all night in prayer, one would have thought that, when it was day, he should have reposed himself, and got some sleep. No, as soon as anybody was stirring, he called unto him his disciples. In serving God, our great care should be, not to lose time, but to make the end of one good duty the beginning of another.

Q.1 Was the naming of the disciples an important event for the future of Christianity?              
Q.2 Did Jesus know that his decision would affect the world’s population for all time?        
Q.3 From “disciple” to “apostle” are we curious to know the difference?                              
Q.4 Why did Jesus first choose 12 disciples, why not more?                                                        
Q.5 Do we think that Jesus is still seeking disciples? Explain.                                                               Q.6 Do we think that Jesus still wants Apostles?  Explain.

Rev 21:10  And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,
Rev 21:11  Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;
Rev 21:12  And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:
Rev 21:13  On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates.
Rev 21:14  And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

Apocalypse, signifies literally, a revelation, or discovery of what was concealed or hidden. It is here said that this revelation, or discovery of hidden things, was given by God to Jesus Christ; that Christ gave it to his angel; that this angel showed it to John; and that John sent it to the Churches. Thus we find it came from God to Christ, from Christ to the angel, from the angel to John, and from John to the Church. It is properly, therefore, the Revelation of God, sent by these various agents to his servants at large; and this is the proper title of the book. And the Apostles are already named In Gods Hidden revelation, for posterity, forevermore from the beginning. Jesus knew who they were and even now knows who they are today

Jesus Names The  Twelve                                                                                                Pg.3

Luk 6:14  Simon, (whom he also named Peter,) and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew,
Luk 6:15  Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zelotes,
Luk 6:16  And Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, which also was the traitor.

These are the disciples Jesus called to be Apostles,
A disciple is a follower and student of a mentor, teacher, or any other wise person. Someone who accepts and helps in spreading the teachings of another.
To be an apostle one is a messenger and ambassador. Someone who champions a critical reform movement, belief or cause. In the Christian context, It simply means one becomes a chief messenger of the gospel.

Luke 9:1  When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases,
Luke 9:2  and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
Luke 9:3  He told them: "Take nothing for the journey--no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt.
Luke 9:4  Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town.
Luke 9:5  If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them."

He later calls  seventy two more disciples and pronounces to them the difficulties they will face and how they are to deal with those difficulties.  (This will be a later study)
Q.1 Do you think that you could have been a disciple of Jesus?                                            
Q.2 Do you think that there was any dissention in the group of disciples?                                                       Q.3 Who would have impressed you of the 12 as being the most effective disciple?                                       Q.4 Did the disciples exhibit many regular human traits?
Q.5 How is it that a disciple differs from other followers of Jesus?
Q.6 How is it that an apostle differs from other followers of Jesus?

When Jesus chose his disciples, it is no surprise that he chose even the most common of individuals, and one of them, even a traitor. Jesus has prior knowledge of each of us, and knows our intention even before we are aware of it. And yet, even in betraying Jesus, Judas did accomplish his set purpose. That of being the deceitful disciple that set in motion the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ's Death on the cross. The life given so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Did God direct Judas' act? Did God direct Eve’s act?
Did God create Satan just for the Garden of Eden? Are there other questions similar to these?
Q.7 Why did Jesus call Judas Iscariot if he knew already what he would do?
Q.8 Was this plan of God’s already set, and was Judas already chosen to be the betrayer?
Q.9 God is omniscient he created all things and knows all things, Do we have choices?
Q.10 If God already knows all about each of us, and our life’s decisions, why are we here?

God knows what choices are made or will be made, and has no intention of changing what has been, or what will be. The choices are ours. God just happens to have the ability to know what they will be. Take the case of the great flood that eliminated everything except that which Noah and his family saved.  Had God been a controlling God , would he have let civilization deteriorate to the point of absolute worthlessness. I think not. And so, knowing that his free will people are and always were, and always will be, uncontrolled, sinful, and undisciplined, he chose to destroy them and start over. At that point, still allowing that he will not change the gift of free will to us, and having this foreknowledge of his own creation, that free will is a desired existence, and not wanting more disastrous results, he reasoned at the time of creation, that man would continue in his fallen ways, God turned to the plan of salvation that he had formed at that same time. And  in Jesus we find our destiny is secured and there is no further question. God also did know and does know that we will make mistakes and bad decisions and sin as before, But God figured a way to save us all.  And still he knows all will not accept Jesus as their savior, and who they are. So there is still the prospect of eternity without God, and residing in eternal torment in hell.

Jesus heals all
Luk 6:17  And he came down with them, and stood in the plain, and the company of his disciples, and a great multitude of people out of all Judaea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases;
Luk 6:18  And they that were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed.
Luk 6:19  And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.

They came also from the sea-coast of Tyre and Sidon. Though they who lived there were generally men of business, and though they bordered upon Canaanites, yet there were some attracted to Christ; They came to hear him and he preached to them. It is worth while to go a great way to hear the word of Christ, and to go out of the way of other business for it. 2. They came to be cured by him, and he healed them. Some were troubled in body, and some in mind; some had diseases, some had devils; but all were healed, for he has power over diseases and devils (Luk_6:17, Luk_6:18), over the effects and over the causes. The whole multitude sought to touch him, those that were in health as well as those that were sick, and they were all, one way or another, the better for he healed them all; And who is there that doth not need, upon some account or other, to be healed? There is a fullness of grace in Christ, and healing virtue in him, and ready to go out from him, that is enough for all, enough for each.

Q.1 The 12 Disciples had now become apostles, what is now different about them?
Q.2 If Jesus was such a dynamic personality, why do some in the world still reject him?
Q.3 If Jesus is the Son of God why doesn’t he affect all people as he does Christians?
Q.4 Do we suppose that Jesus depends on his apostles and disciples to spread his message
Q.5 What do you think would have been your opinion of Jesus in that day and time?                                     Q.6 What was it about Jesus that made so many so determined to be with him?                                             Q.7 What effect would Jesus have made on you and your family in that day?

Meditation                                                                                                                  Pg.5
In addition to The Lord's Prayer the gospel writers - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - have recorded in the bible other prayers that Jesus said. Looking at these prayers, we can learn much to enhance our own prayer life..
Prayer of praise that everyone can know God.
"At that time Jesus said. 'I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will." Matthew 11:25-26, Luke 10:21.
In this prayer of Jesus the Lord gives thanks that all people, not just the elite, can know God and become part of the Christian family. All people can share Jesus' close relationship with his Father, because God likes it that way - it is God's initiative.
Jesus prays before raising Lazarus.
"So they took away the stone. And Jesus looked upwards and said, 'Father, I thank you for having heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I have said this for the sake of the crowd standing here, so that they may believe that you sent me.'"John 11:41-42.
Jesus prays that the gathered crowd, on seeing Lazarus return from the grave, will have faith in him and know that he is from God.
Jesus prays that God's name will be glorified.
"Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say, 'Father save me from this hour'? No it is for this reason that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name."John 12:27-28.
Here, as in the prayers of Jesus in Gethsemane recorded in the other gospels, Jesus reveals his anguish about what is to happen - his death. He could pray to be saved or he could pray for God's will to be accomplished. Jesus chooses the second option, and makes his prayer that God will be glorified by the success of his mission.
A chapter of prayer by Jesus.
Chapter 17 of John's gospel is the longest prayer of Jesus recorded in any of the gospels. In truth, this chapter is likely to be an amalgamation of many prayers and saying of Jesus gathered together into one place by the gospel writer. In this chapter Jesus consecrates himself to the task that lies ahead, not for his sake, but for ours. This prayer of Jesus brings us to a closer understanding of the mind of Jesus, his relationship with God, and his selfless love of those, like us, in his care
Jesus' prayers in Gethsemane.
"He said, 'Abba, Father, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want, but what you want."Matthew 26:36-44, Mark 14:32-39, Luke 22:46.
After Jesus had shared his last supper with his disciples, the teacher and his closest followers retire to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prays whilst his companions sleep. In this prayer of Jesus' we have a glimpse of the intimacy and trust Jesus shares with God, his Father
. Jesus, in great distress knowing what he is to suffer the following day, pleads with God that there might be some other way. And yet, Jesus' determination to do God's will is not broken as Jesus resigns himself, in complete obedience, to follow his father's plans.
Jesus prays on the cross
"At three o'clock Jesus cried out with a loud voice, 'Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?' which means, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34, Luke 23:34,46.
Jesus, at the most poignant moment in Christian history, recognises the significance of his imminent death with a cry of utter desolation. Jesus, the Christ, the son of God, is abandoned (if only for a short time) and in this one act the whole of humanity is offered a fesh start - a new relationship with God.

Opening Prayer                                                                                                                                
Father God we assemble here this evening to learn more about your Son Our Savior Jesus Christ.
We have no capacity to learn of how he lived except we study the Bible, Your Sacred Word.
We ask that you would impart to us that knowledge that you would have us know from this study.
We know that throughout Jesus’ Ministry here on earth, he called on many persons for their help in his quest to spread the word of Salvation to all who would hear it. Make us worthy in your sight Oh God that we too might be called Disciple, and live up to that calling. In Jesus name we pray Amen

The Study.
The choosing of Jesus’ Disciples is one of, the most important legacies that he left on this earth. It is for Disciples to be the ultimate communicators of the Word Of God to all of mankind. Jesus then  leaves them with a solemn duty. They are the people Jesus chose to be the linchpins of the Way, to pass the Word Of Salvation throughout the world. This is the opening scene of the epic task. And it concludes with Jesus again healing all who call upon him.

Closing Prayer.                                                                                                      
Father God, we thank you for the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus who made our salvation sure. We thank you for the first Disciples, those who dedicated their lives to following “The Way” that Jesus consecrated them to perform. We thank you for the successful way in which that plan has been executed throughout the world today. We pray your blessings upon those, even today who have dedicated their lives to the Cause Of Christ. We pray for those of our number who are working as the “Advent Mission Team” going to Honduras, that their work will be fruitful and that they will return to us safely. We pray for our sick and disabled, and ask that you grant peace and healing to them and to all our lives. We pray these things in the Name of Jesus,  Amen


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