Sunday, June 22, 2014

Jesus Saves

                                           Jesus Heals a paralytic

Luke 5:17  One day Jesus was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. 18  Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. 19  When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. 20  When Jesus saw their faith, he said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven."21  The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, "Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?" 22  Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, "Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? 23  Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'? 24  But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins." So he said to the paralyzed man, "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home." 25  Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. 26  Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, "We have seen remarkable things today."

Finding Jesus:
In vs. 17 Jesus is visiting in someone’s home or in a public place. this was not uncommon for Jesus at this time, as he was teaching, healing, and spreading the word of God before the people at every opportunity. In this instance Jesus was there teaching and healing the sick. And yet there were those there just to observe, who did not approve of his work, and wanted to see him stopped.  This is the message that God gives us as his servants. Go and serve.

Q.1 Was it Jesus’ custom to do this teaching and healing wherever he went?
Q.2 And had it become well known by now that this is what he was doing?
Q.3 We know by now what attracted most of the people, but what attracted his enemies?
Q.4 Were there those who were against Jesus, yet came to see miracles and hear his message?
Q.5 So why was he being scrutinized so closely by the Teachers, Scribes and Pharisees?

Jesus is accessible:
In vs. 18&19 Jesus is now surrounded by the crowds that follow him. So much so that he becomes inaccessible to some who are crippled and infirm.  And these individuals want to be near him for their healing. This presents a problem so they began to devise methods and ways to gain access to him by any means possible. In this instance, we see a very innovative way that is devised to do that. One should use any means possible to have access to God through Jesus. He is the way the truth and the light, listen to him, and learn from him at any cost.

Q.1 What was it that drove the paralyzed man to seek Jesus?
Q.2 And do our infirmities also drive us to seek Jesus?
Q.3 Would this man have sought out Jesus had he not been paralyzed?
Q.4 Were some in the crowd just there because they were curious?
Q.5 Do some of us “Christians” come just out of curiosity? Christmas, Easter, and Mothers day.

Jesus heals the paralytic:                                                                                  Pg.2
In vs.20 the paralytic is placed in close proximity to Jesus by his faithful friends who worked to get him to Jesus, and Jesus was impressed by that act  So much so that Jesus then pronounces his sins are forgiven. It is very unlikely that Jesus would have offered forgiveness unless He had known that it was yearned for. But whether that is so or not, we may fairly consider that Jesus knows our hearts, and he knew this man needed forgiveness and  what Jesus then gave first is His chief gift. In most of His other miracles He gave bodily healing first.  This was enough to cause Satan to be furious I am sure. But here was this man finding a way to be with Jesus in spite of the odds. But as expressed in verse 21, there are those who feel that Jesus was wrong in what he was doing. Helped by friends. We should all have that kind of friend should we not? The type of friend that can deliver our salvation, the type of friend that we find in Jesus

Q.1 Was it this mans sin that prompted his wanting to be near Jesus?
Q.2 What was it that caused Jesus to pronounce that the man’s sins were forgiven?
Q.3 When this was heard by the Pharisees and the teachers of the law what was their reaction?
Q.4 Why do you suppose that some are moved with compassion at Jesus acts, and some are not?
Q.5 What has Jesus done for me lately?

In vs. 22 thru 24, Jesus gets directly to the heart of the doubters and puts a question to them which when considered, is the answer that should be obvious to them.  Jesus has no time for doubters and nay Sayers   He then explains by what authority he does these things. And that which he wants them to know and not doubt is true. He is the Son of Man and he can and does forgive sin in an individual if one is desiring to receive it, and to heal that same person by a very simple command. They failed to recognize that Christ was God. So, He then makes a point of showing them that it's just as easy for Him to heal a body as it is to forgive sins. He then solidifies His position by healing the man, proving that He does have power over the physical, removing their doubt of his power over the spiritual. Then he commanded the man to get up, take his bed and go home.
Jesus is willing to do as he has said, forgive our sin and heal our broken and crippled lives.  He is our hope and salvation and through no one else can our sins be forgiven, and eternal joy be ours, except it be through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Q.1 How did Jesus know what the Pharisees and teachers were thinking?
Q.2 Does this world today have questions about Jesus’ authority?
Q.3 How are this worlds doubts and questions manifested ?
Q.4 What is there in Jesus’ words that he wants the doubters to know?
Q.5 Do we as Christians also have lives over which The Son of Man has authority?

Jesus makes his point:                                                                                          Pg.3
In vs 25 & 26 we are told of the results of this encounter with Jesus. This mans sins were forgiven, he was healed, and he left there a changed man. This was a miracle which Jesus used to drive home a point. Not only can He the Son of God forgive sins, he can and did heal this man in their presence.

 Are there other aspects of this encounter with Jesus we should discuss?
The four friends who burdened themselves to bring this man to Jesus here were spared their hard work ever after, never again would this man be unto them a burden.. This is the first manifestation of spiritual strength in the carrying honestly our own share of life’s responsibilities! Secondly, we shall glorify God through our spiritual powers. We shall praise him for his loving-kindness and tender mercy towards us. And lastly, we shall lead others to fear and to glorify God too. Hence the great importance of getting rid of spiritual paralysis and of rising into the exercise of spiritual power. We should also learn distinctly from this miracle what possibilities lie awaiting intercessory prayer and disinterested faith. We may do much in bringing helpless souls to Jesus, that they may be healed by him. He is able to do much for our friends as well as for ourselves, and the joy of bringing others to Christ is only exceeded by the joy of coming ourselves. Let us keep coming to Jesus for ourselves and with others, and strange and blessed experiences shall still be ours.

Q.1 Were the lives of those, his friends, who brought him to see Jesus, affected in any way?
Q.2 What effect if any did this event have on the doubters?
Q.3 What affect did this compassionate act of Jesus have on those who do not doubt.
Q.4 Are there words that Jesus spoke that resonate with us today?
Friend, your sins are forgiven."
Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?
Get up and walk'
I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins

In this Scripture, we glimpse how the encounter with Christ can strengthen us with power through his Spirit in our inner being, so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith…and that we may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” May that be our personal mission statement. God has plans for our life, and the lives of our loved ones. Our life is God’s gift to us, It may be filled with more hardships than we think we can possibly bear at times. That is when we rely on the faith we have gained in times of communion with Christ. God desires that we have a relationship with his Son, He desires for us to listen to him and learn from him, Our choice is to try to say “yes” not just when loving and trusting are easy, but even when it is very difficult and scary, and we desperately need him to respond. We are never alone. We are ever loved beyond all measure. But we need to be aware and certainly never underestimate what Jesus can do in our life if given an opportunity. He can do Miracles.
This was from the point of view of us in the world, the statement "your sins are forgiven" is easier to say. However, in actuality, the statement "get up and walk" is easier to say. There is no moral reason why God should not give someone special healing power to heal paralytics. In fact, the twelve apostles, and many prophets, of the Bible were given special healing powers at times. Paul even raised someone from the dead. However, no one except God has the authority to forgive sins. When we sin, we sin against God, and so only God can forgive sins. In God’s truth, the statement "your sins are forgiven" is the more difficult statement to say, because it could only be said by God Himself. Moreover, God’s plan of atonement for sin entailed that sins could only be forgiven through blood sacrifice. Ultimately, for Jesus to be able to forgive our sins, He had to come into the world as a man, and then die on the cross for our sins. Certainly, when this is taken into consideration, the cost, for Jesus, of being able to say, "Your sins are forgiven", was much greater than any physical toll from healing the paralytic. The bottom line is, then, that both statements are exceedingly difficult to say. None of the two by any means is "easy" to say. Both works—healing the paralytic, and forgiving his sins—were recognized by the witnesses as the work of God. Both were impossible for men, in and of themselves. And so, since the healing of the paralytic would be so clearly a work of God, Jesus used it as a proof that He had the authority to forgive sins. For, why would God give Jesus the ability to heal the paralytic if He preceded the healing by blaspheming God by erroneously stating that the paralytic’s sins were forgiven? As Jesus put it: "‘But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins…’ Then He said to the paralytic, ‘Get up, take your mat and go home.’ And the man got up and went home" This was the proof that Jesus can forgive sins.
Indeed, Jesus Saves                                              

Opening Prayer:                                                                                                         Pg.4

Father God, we come to study about Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ whom we believe with all our heart is our Savior. We understand that there are people and places in this world where His presence is  anticipated, and welcomed. Our study today takes us to one of those places. We ask that no word be spoken here tonight which might be contrary to your will.  Bless those who are here tonight with the perfect understanding of those things which You would have us learn from this study. Bless our brothers and sisters in Christ who need your healing touch, give them reassurance that even though you are not present in body, you are most certainly with us in spirit. Offer them your healing Spirit as you truly are there with them. We ask this in the name of Jesus Amen

Our study today shows Jesus in a discourse with a very prominent man who beseeches Jesus to go with him to heal his dying son. Jesus is indeed our healer, he redeems, forgives, heals, leads, and directs our lives if we but take the time to ask and believe that he can do as he says. All we need is to trust in him and do as he says. This man came to Jesus with an urgent need, Jesus answered his need and deepened his relationship with him. As a result the man’s son was healed and Jesus never even touched him, indeed never even saw him or even knew his name. Jesus can do miracles, we just need to trust him at his word.

Closing Prayer:
Father God,  be with us now as we leave this place. May we carry with us your blessing as we continue in our efforts to live the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. We pray for your continued watch over our loved ones and those among us who need your healing hand to touch them in their time of distress. Some are ill some are conflicted, all need your healing power. We pray now that  we will have Your guidance as we continue in our day to day living. It is in Jesus name we pray, AMEN

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Jesus Heals

                                                     Jesus Heals a Leper

Seeing Jesus                                                                                                        Pg.1
Luke 5:12  While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean."
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promises, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Hebrews 7:25 wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

Psalms 86:5 For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.

Q.1 How did the leprous man present his request to Jesus? Did it show that he trusted Jesus ?
Q.2 How did his words and actions provide a pattern for us to approach Christ with our needs?
Q.3 How often do we wish Jesus would make us clean?
Q.4 Are we willing to place our face to the ground and beg him?
Q.5 Is he willing to make us clean?
Q.6 Are we willing to be clean?

Jesus is willing                                                                                                  
Luke 5:13  Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" And immediately the leprosy left him.
The generosity and compassion of Jesus are on full display. But I am also struck that he is also prepared to actually deliver. Jesus’ willingness to heal was equal to his ability to bring it about.  We can’t say “Well Jesus was God,” because he clearly expected that anyone who believed in him would do the same things he was doing. Jesus didn’t heal people because he was God, he healed people because he was a human being cooperating fully with the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ clear expectation of his followers was that they would be not only as willing as him to bring the kingdom, but also as able. In another place when his disciples are wondering about their inability to drive out a demon, Jesus mentioned fasting and prayer as keys to the increased power it would take.

Q.1 After Jesus touched the man and cured him of leprosy, why did he have to show himself to the priest? (Leviticus 13 and 14)
Q.2 Is there someone who could benefit from a caring touch from you in the name of Christ?
Q.3 Was Jesus seeking this man?
Q.4 Will Jesus touch even the most wretched sinner?
Q.5 And what will be the consequence
Q.6 But what must first take place in the heart of the sinner?

Jesus requires                                                                                                        Pg.2
Luke 5:14  Then Jesus ordered him, "Don't tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them."

Having been healed instantly this man was probably so full of excitement and wonder at what had just happened that he was ready to shout it from the hilltops. Go tell it on the Mountain so to speak. But Jesus ordered him not to speak of it to anyone and he should go and tell it to the priest, and offer sacrifices. Well of course this would not deter this man from spreading the news, and Jesus knew that. The fact that he did tell it anyway just illustrates the failure of ordinary people, (sinners) to listen to Jesus and do what he says. Jesus ordered this man to tell no one because his fame was such that he could no longer go from place to place, town to town without having to deal with unmanageable crowds. This publicity would just make it worse. That is really not what Jesus wanted, as dealing with crowds was a drain on his mission and he knew things would get worse. Is that the way of sin, to take a good thing and make it a bad thing. This can only happen when we start doing things the way we want, and not the way God wants. One can name any number of unfathomable evils, and when examined, it will show that God is out, and our own will is in. This is also true with all dismal failures.

Q.1 Why would Jesus order him to not tell anyone, he knew that he would tell it everywhere?
Q.2 Go show yourself to the priest? What is that all about?
Q.3 What sacrifices did Moses command for his cleansing?
      Lev 14:2-32 for a listing of all the sacrifices pertaining to healing                                                                     Q.4 As a testimony to them? A testimony of what?

Luke 5:15  Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses.
It was not possible for Jesus to do the things he was doing, and teach with the authority that he did and not become well known. So often we worry over the passage of time and we desire that events happen when we are ready, or we worry over such things needlessly. Jesus was not worried nor did it bother him that the authorities were plotting against him, he Knew the time table. It was his desire to reach as many people as possible in the short time he had. The choice of disciples worked well  for him and for mankind. The fact of Jesus healing people and performing miracles was indeed part of God’s plan, but God was letting Jesus do his own work, just as we are to do. God allows us the privilege of doing his work as we plan and execute it. He is pleased when we respond. He does not like procrastination and delay which we so often allow to slow his work down.

Q.1 How was it that the news about him spread so quickly?
Q.2 Have you ever considered what Jesus life must have been like during this time?
Q.3 Did Jesus make the decisions on who gets healed and who doesn’t?
Q.4 Is there a precedent for Jesus healing someone?
Q.5 What is common to all of the Healings that Jesus performed?

Jesus prays                                                                                                                 Pg.3
Luk 5:16  But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

Why does the Bible tell us over and over and even Jesus says when we pray, get somewhere alone. Jesus mentions going into a closet and shutting the door. One does need time alone with God so that honest thought can be expressed verbally as prayer, even tears. When we pray, we lay before God all our concerns. When one is alone and praying to God it is time to lay open one’s soul. Repeat the needs of your heart, the pain of life the need for God’s help. No one ever came to Jesus that did not need his help. David wrote in his psalm  Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? This is still a valid question. Why is there still unbelief, and conflict and the population imagining that we can have a great world without God, and without Jesus our savior. We must not use vain repetitions in prayer, Mat_6:7, Mat_6:8. We must not be proud and vain-glorious in prayer, nor aim at the praise of men.  The Pharisees loved to pray on street corners and places where they would be noticed, they loved it when it gave them an opportunity of making themselves conspicuous. The product of all this is, they have their reward; They have all the recompense they must ever expect from God. What is the will of Jesus Christ in prayer.  Humility and sincerity are the two great lessons that Christ teaches us; Instead of praying in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, enter into thy closet, into some place of privacy and retirement, that we may be unobserved, and so may avoid ostentation; undisturbed, and so may avoid distraction; unheard, and so may use greater freedom; yet if the circumstances be such that we cannot possibly avoid being taken notice of, we must not therefore neglect the duty, lest the omission be a greater scandal than the observation of it.
We all need to be in constant prayer if we are to change this world. But in this instance, a private and quiet prayerful time with God is needed to just help us in our day to day lives. We cannot possibly do it alone.

Q.1 Jesus often sought to be quiet and alone for time to pray. Why?
Q.2 Do we really understand what real solitude offers us as relates to God?
Q.3 What did Jesus say about prayer? Matt. 6:5-6-7 and Luke 11:2
       And do we fully understand why he spoke those words?
Q.4 Re: Verse 16. How important is it for us to imitate the private life of Jesus?
Q.5 What single act can one commit that will most assuredly be heard by God?
Q.6 Are there other ways to communicate with God?

It is human nature to want to be healed of any and all infirmities? And it is of a devine nature that God through his Son Jesus wants us to be healed of any and all infirmities. So it is with those in Jesus day. When he saw or was exposed to sickness, or broken lives, he was moved by his love and compassion to do for that person, to cause healing of the life in whatever way it was needed. Is it ever thus that even today we seek Jesus for our healing, and if he be willing, we will be healed. We are not here to question God as we see what the world has to offer. As was the leprous man who sought Jesus for his healing, we are to seek Jesus to guide us for all our needs and to see us through this imperfect world. To do this we must see to the accounting  of our own needs and come to Jesus, asking of him, his will for our life.
· Do we come because of hope?  (the Leper did)
No matter how “contaminated” we are He can heal us.
There are no untouchables with Jesus, he is master of the universe, all laws are his , he makes what he will of any and all things, and the universe obeys him
· Do we believe that Jesus can change the situation? (the Leper did)
There is none who cannot be healed if by seeking honestly and faithfully we come to him in humble gratitude and faithful trust, and ask of him.
Heb 11:6 NIV And without faith it is impossible to please God, because
anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards
those who earnestly seek him.
· Can I worship Him in spite of my current trial? (the Leper did)
Our worship is often situational. We need to worship Him for who He is
· Am I willing to humble myself and simply ask? (the Leper did)
You have not because you ask not - have we become desperate enough?
· Do we ask in faith and confident trust? (the Leper did)
Lord if you will –( I know you can do this”)
Not if you can - it was IF YOU WILL. To acknowledge that God has the right to grant or
refuse a request is not lack of faith... it is the ultimate act of dependence on God's compassion
and takes great trust and commitment for a desperate person.
· Are we even sure that we know how to come to God in prayer? (the Leper did)
In cases where we are uncertain about the will of God we can pray in the Spirit
Romans 8:26  In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
Romans 8:27  And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God.

· “Ask, and you will receive . . .” (John 16:24). We complain before God, and sometimes we are apologetic or indifferent to Him, but we actually ask Him for very few things. Yet a child exhibits a magnificent boldness to ask! Our Lord said, “. . . unless you . . . become as little children . . .” (Matthew 18:3). Ask and God will do. Give Jesus Christ the opportunity and the room to work. The problem is that no one will ever do this until he is at his wits’ end. When a person is at his wits’ end, it no longer seems to be a cowardly thing to pray; in fact, it is the only way he can get in touch with the truth and the reality of God Himself. Be yourself before God and present Him with your problems— the very things that have brought you to your wits’ end. But as long as you think you are self-sufficient, you do not need to ask God for anything.
Oswald Chambers

Opening Prayer:                                                                                                 Pg.5                                                

Father God, we come to study about Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ whom we believe with all our heart is the author of our salvation. Our study today takes us to the presence of a leprous man where Jesus is asked for help. And we too ask Jesus for his help. We ask that no word be spoken here tonight which might be contrary to your will. And we ask you to bless those who are here tonight with the perfect understanding of those things which You would have us learn from this study. Bless our brothers and sisters in Christ who need your healing touch, give them reassurance that even though you are not present in body, you are most certainly with us in spirit. Offer them your healing Spirit as you truly are there with them. We ask this in the name of Jesus Amen

Our study today is about Jesus continuing on in his ministry. He is asked by a leprous man for his healing touch. He heals this man and then tells him to tell no one, but to go to the priest and show himself to be clean. The rest is what we normally expect from Jesus. A continuation of his mission and a rise in his reputation as a man, the Son of God who performs miracles, and heals the sick.  From then on he gained more respect for his message as he continued to heal all who came to him for help and healing. It is further encouragement to all who would seek healing and help no matter what the distress, to call urgently to Jesus for his help. He will respond and his message will become all the more real to those who trust in him.

Closing Prayer:
Father God,  be with us now as we leave this place. May we carry with us your blessing as we continue in our efforts to live the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. We pray for your continued watch over our loved ones and those among us who need your healing hand to touch them in their time of distress. Some of us are ill some of us are conflicted. We all need your healing power. We pray now that  we will have Your guidance as we continue in our day to day living. It is in Jesus name we pray, AMEN

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Jesus Heals

The healing of Peter’s mother in law                                                                       Pg.1
Luke 4:38  And he arose out of the synagogue, and entered into Simon's house. And Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever; and they besought him for her. 39  And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever; and it left her: and immediately she arose and ministered unto them. 40  Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them. 41  And devils also came out of many, crying out, and saying, Thou art Christ the Son of God. And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak: for they knew that he was Christ. 42  And when it was day, he departed and went into a desert place: and the people sought him, and came unto him, and stayed him, that he should not depart from them. 43  And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent. 44  And he preached in the synagogues of Galilee.

There is a God who loves us and cares about the things in our life that cause us harm and misery. Jesus is our soul’s refreshment, and we are to learn of him and continue in our seeking him for every aspect of life, no matter what the conflict or condition which affects us. Jesus heals, and this was his time to let it be known that the Kingdom of God is near.

1.Why is Jesus there?
Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John are with Jesus and either by invitation or by divine providence Jesus goes to Peter’s home. We are not told why he went there. Most likely it was out of a hospitable concern for Jesus that they asked him to stay with them. Or it was the fact that the mother in law was ill. It was definitely not accidental, There was motive, Christ goes nowhere and does nothing without cause or reason.

Q.1 Simon had met Jesus previously at another place and time. Do we recall that incident?
Q.2 What was the relationship now of Simon, with Jesus? Still just a friend?
Q.3 Was Jesus invited to Peter’s home as a guest or as a healer? What do you think?
Q.4 What are we told, was the first thing Jesus did after entering Peter’s home?

2. Do we have great expectations of Jesus?
Probably the group with Jesus, had seen the miracle of the demon exorcism and knew or had faith that Jesus could heal Peter’s mother in law. And since he had no place to stay, it was very convenient and hospitable of them to ask him to visit. And while there he could help the ill woman. They had seen what Jesus can do.

Q.1 Jesus, there as a friend would be there as a healer too. Is this the providence of God?
Q.2 Jesus was asked to help the Mother in law, or did they know he could heal her?
Q.3 Are there those who would find it difficult to ask Jesus for his help? What about us?
Q.4 What far reaching benefit did this miracle of healing foster?

As soon as Peter began to follow Christ, his family began to benefit by it.  Every person who knows the virtue and authority of Christ should earnestly seek his grace in behalf of all the spiritually suffering in their family and in their circle of friends.  All who seek the aid of Christ in truth, will never do so in vain.

3. Who asks what of Jesus ?                                                                                              Pg.2
We are not told who did the asking, but it must have been agreeable with all there that Jesus could help. Otherwise there would have been more discussion. We are not told the details of her illness, only that she had a fever. And the group asked for Jesus’ help. Who indeed? We do not always know who it is that asks for Jesus’ help on our behalf. We do know that it was not the woman who was ill.

Q.1 What must be the thoughts of those who need his help?
Q.2 Which person in the group is more likely to have asked for Jesus’ help?
Q.3 Would that request have been confirmed within the group?
Q.4 Is there a truth revealed in what this group did?

4. What has Jesus Done?
We are told that Jesus stood over her , and the fever left her. It was just that simple. Or was it that simple? Jesus, with all the power of God came into the presence of this ill woman, stood there, over her, and presented her illness with all the power of God that he has been given by His Father so as to be able to cast out demons and to heal the sick and even to raise the dead. We do not need a fire truck to come to our home to blow out a candle, but we do need to know how to call on the ability and the effort to get the flame extinguished. Jesus can do anything, no matter what the challenge may be. And all we need to know is how to call on him. And to do so with all faith and trust that he will do as he has promised. If we're God's own possession, we have to take our faith public and share how awesome is the God who called us out of the darkness of our sin, and into his marvelous light of eternal life.
Q.1 What must be the thoughts of Jesus right at that moment?                                                                                 Q.2 Why is it that the presence of Jesus is so powerful in this instance?                                                   Q.3 What is there about Jesus that gives these believers such confidence?                                                              Q.4 What are the expectations of this group?

5. All is well with Jesus?
After she was healed of her fever, the woman rose from her bed and began to minister to them. Life indeed, was recovered, to her and she  must be more than ever in his service, to his glory. If illness be rebuked, and we arise from our sickness, we must set ourselves to minister to Jesus Christ. Those that minister to Christ must be ready to minister to all that are his for his sake: She ministered to them, not only to him that had cured her, but to them that had besought him for her.

Q.1 How is it that this woman so sick with fever is now ready to serve others?                                                                                 Q.2 This miracle seems to work for the benefit of all, how does that happen?                                                   Q.3 How is it that just from this incident, now others outside this group call on Jesus ?                                                            

6. Jesus Heals all?                                                                                                               Pg.3
Now that this healing was accomplished, no doubt the news had spread throughout the region, and at sundown people came to him for healing of diverse diseases and even those possessed of demons were healed and the demons cast out. The sign he used in healing was laying his hands on the sick; not lifting up his hands for them, for he healed as having authority. He healed by his own power. The Bible frequently invests this simple gesture with weighty symbolism. Its significance can be fruitfully evaluated in connection with four concepts: blessing, miraculous power, separation, and the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Q.1 Is this not what anyone would do when ill, seek to be healed?                                                                              Q.2 What is there about the laying on of hands that is so significant?                                                                                                                                                                                      

7. What everyone wants of Jesus?                                                                                                            
When the morning came they all wanted him to stay  and continue to bless them and work his miracles. We are sometimes too dedicated to the presence of Christ in our midst, and do not want the special occasion to end. Some people actually think that Jesus Christ belongs to their denomination or fellowship. We become so accustomed to depending upon him that we forget that Jesus came to us so that all might have salvation that honestly seek his saving grace.  John 3:16

Q.1 Are we sometimes judgmental of those who do not worship as we do?                                          Q.2 Would we also want him to stay with us in the same way?                                                            Q.3 Do we not also want that for our country, to be healed?                                                                                                                                                                                      

8. What Has Jesus done?
Luke 4:43  And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.
Christ, though he preached in the synagogue at Capernaum, would not be tied to that. It is well for us that our Lord Jesus has not tied himself to any one place or people, but, wherever two or three are gathered in his name, he will be in the midst of them. Jesus was not preaching that He had come to set up an earthly, material, physical kingdom, but that He had come, commissioned by God the Father, to establish a spiritual kingdom in the hearts of His people, and that this would be accomplished by the gracious gospel of the grace of God toward poor non-deserving sinners who would repent and believe Him as the Messiah, the One sent down from heaven, the Savior, God's Gift to the sinners of this world that if we but repent of our sins and call on the name of Jesus that he will forgive our iniquity, and will remember our sin no more.

Q.1 How best to preach the Kingdom of God than to take it to the people?                                          Q.2 Would you say that Jesus was as effective as possible in that day?                                                            Q.3 How is it that his methods could have been improved?                                                                                                                                                                                      

Meditation :                                                                                                                                Pg.4

What is there in life that we value most? I would have to say our health would be at the top of the list. Millions of dollars are spent in research and development of cures for all types of illnesses, and still there are illnesses for which there seem to be no medical cure. A regular health checkup is one way that we, and God can help with our own healing. In Jesus’ day, there were very few known cures for any disease, and many died for lack of just minimal care. Many in Jesus’ day believed that sin by an individual or by their mother or father was the cause of many infirmities. And even now there are still questions and controversy that swirl around ministries of healing.
Questions often asked include: 1) Does God heal everyone? 2) Why are some people not healed? 3) Whose faith is necessary for healing: the sick person’s, the minister’s, or both? . 4) Does God simply choose who he will have healed? No one this side of Heaven can truthfully answer these questions. Yet there are many miraculous healings that we can recall where there is no other explanation, than it being the providence of God.  However we choose to believe, the Bible gives us at least 10 ways the Christian has access to God’s healing power:

1. Through the presence of the gifts and the anointing to heal. There are times when God releases the gifts of healing in certain places. “To another faith [is given] by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit” (1 Cor. 12:9). Clearly healing is a gift given for the benefit of the Christian Church and for the glory of God.
2. Through the laying on of hands. It is the privilege of every true believer to lay hands on the sick and pray for their recovery. “they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:18).
3. Through elders, prayer and anointing oil. Here the believer by his own volition calls for the pastors to pray over him. “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord” (James 5:14).
4. Through speaking the Word to your sickness.  This word must be spoken confidently. “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says” (Mark 11:23).
5. Through the power of agreement and healing.  “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:19-20).
6. Through your own faith.  “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them” (Mark 11:24).
7. Through the name of Jesus.  “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it” (John 14:13-14).
8. Through praying for others. . “And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before” (Job 42:10).
9. Through the faith of others. Jesus healed a paralytic because of the faith of the man’s friends. Jesus responded to their faith. Likewise believers can pray for others. “When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic , ‘I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house’” (Mark 2:5-11).
10. Through medicine.  “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick” (Matt. 9:12). God uses myriad approaches to effect healing for His own.

Opening Prayer:                                                                                                         Pg.5

Father God, we come to study about Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ in whom we place our faith. Our study today takes us to the Home of Peter where Jesus is asked for help in healing a sick family member. We pray that you will enable our hearts to be open to your message, and no word be spoken that is contrary to your will . Bless our brothers and sisters in Christ who need your healing touch, give them reassurance that even though you are not present in body, you are most certainly with us in spirit. Offer them your healing touch as you truly are there with them. We ask this in the name of Jesus Amen

Our study is about Jesus visiting Peter’s home in Capernaum. He is asked to help Peter’s mother in law who was sick with a fever. Jesus had only to rebuke the fever and it left her. Even though Peter’s mother in law did not ask to be healed, nor did she speak at all, Jesus healed her. She then began to serve others.
A miracle is a phenomenal or supernatural event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers, and more often than not cannot be explained by the laws of nature. God never operates contrary to His Word or to the laws of nature which He has established, but He has the prerogative to supersede them. Instantaneous healings always constitute a miracle.
In this instance, Jesus gained more respect for his message as he continued to heal all who came to him for help and healing. It is further encouraging to read that Jesus was determined to deliver his message of salvation to all people. The good news found in the gospel is that we are not strangers to God and he will not leave us desolate and alone or ill with no recourse.

Closing Prayer:
Father God; Be with us now as we leave this place. May we carry with us your blessing as we continue in our efforts to live the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. We pray for your continued watch over our loved ones and those among us who need your healing touch. We pray now that  we will have your protection and guidance as we continue in our day to day living. It is in Jesus name we pray, AMEN