Monday, October 13, 2014

On Divorce, No Condemnation

                                                                                                                                                 Pg.1              Opening Prayer                                                                                            
Father God we ask your blessing on this study tonight, that you would open our minds and our hearts to your word.  Help us to realize that we are the vessels that you use to further your Kingdom on this earth. Our prayer is that we learn from this study, what is the true desire of our heart. That we are to serve God and glorify him in all that we do. We pray that your peace and comfort be with those of us who are sick or disabled and cannot be here tonight. We ask that you share our blessing with them. Lead us now and give us understanding as we study the teachings of Jesus, The word of God..
In Jesus Name we pray Amen

Because the hearts of the people had become hardened to God's ideal plan for marriage, God wanted to establish this law to finalize divorce. There were two schools of thought in regards to the law.
(1) This major belief was held by most scribes and Pharisees. They interpreted "uncleanness" as meaning anything that was not pleasing to the man. This deprived the woman of her rights as the man could not be divorced against his will.
(2) The other belief was that this law referred to moral "uncleanness." Jesus is claiming that there should only be one cause for divorce. God's intention for marriage is that they be no longer two, but one flesh (Matthew 19:5-6; 1 Corinthians 6:15-20). The sin of adultery is pardonable (Matthew 12:31; John 3:17-18, 8:7). This doesn't mean that we can use the grace of God to cover our own sinfulness (1 Peter 2:16;Romans 6:1). 1 Corinthians 7:10-16, 29:31; Acts 5:29.

(1)      This study does not answer the matter of divorce, but a careful consideration of the individual rights and privileges of married couples will inevitably lead us to conclude that there are times when a marriage should be dissolved. Unfaithfulness is not an unforgivable offense but may lead to the dissolution of a marriage. In fact, in the days of Jesus, unfaithfulness is the only instance whereby a divorce would happen. Although a marriage is sacred in the eyes of God, to the average man and woman under the present laws in effect in our world today it is no more than a non binding contract, and has no enforced religious significance whatsoever except in some religious faiths.  The only serious considerations of marriage today are when there is a prenuptial agreement which protects one against the other in the marriage. Times have changed. God has not changed. There are many marriages made today for convenience, privilege, inheritance, and for perpetuity.
(2) Also, part of the answers to questions on divorce must include grace.  God is not a Law Master who wants to bring His people forcefully into broken submission.  God is very forgiving and loving.  He wants His people to experience joy and fulfillment in their lives, and this can only be done in the grace of forgiveness.   Jesus bore all your sins--even the sins of divorce. They have been paid for.  He will not bring them up again on the Day of Judgment.  You are free in Christ. God’s laws about marriage are not interchangeable. But Just as man is not to sin, either by adultery, or by lying, or by stealing, or any other sinful act. God is not vengeful.

Jesus Christ now stands for us in the Judgment of God for all who turn to him for their Salvation. Human beings are not perfect, and as marriages go, they are between two imperfect humans and thus can and often do fail. Jesus Christ is our Righteousness. God will honor His Promises.


 Bible study:                                                                                                                  Mortal sin                                                                                                    
Mat 5:27  "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.'
Mat 5:28  But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Thou shall not commit adultery; which includes a prohibition of all other acts of uncleanness, and the desire of them: but the Pharisees, in their expositions of this command, made it to extend no further than the act of adultery, thus if the iniquity was only regarded in the heart, and went no further, God could not hear it, would not regard it  and therefore they thought it enough to be able to say that they were no adulterers, Yet there is the thought.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Q.1 If the sin is not committed, how can one be charged?
Q,2 Why are there matters of the heart best not acted upon?
Q.3 What was the penalty for a woman committing adultery?
Q.4 Why had adultery become such a controversial conduct?
Q.5 Why do you think Jesus brought attention to this conduct?
Q.6 Why do these verses seem to be directed towards men?
Q.7 What three conclusions are we to draw from these verses?

Mat 5:29  If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.
Mat 5:30  And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

It is a severe operation here prescribed for the preventing of mortal sins. If thy right eye offends thee, by lusting after what one sees. If thy right hand offends thee, or causes one to offend, beyond our own control, and if there be no other way to restrain them (which, blessed be God, through his grace, there is), it is better for us to pluck out the eye, and cut off the hand. Though the right eye, and right hand, are fully capable and actually do make for the good of ourselves, and others from time to time.

Q.1 Why does Jesus place such a severe example before us?
Q,2 Can you explain the results forthcoming, should everyone heed these words?
Q.3 When is there a time when we are presented with these temptations?
Q.4 What are the sins that can be committed with the eyes and the hands?
Q.5 Why do you think Jesus brought attention to this conduct?
Q.6 Do you feel that in today's world, there is more temptation to commit sin than in Jesus day?

Mat 5:31  "It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.'
Mat 5:32  But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

A man's divorcing of his wife  upon dislike, or for any other cause except adultery, however tolerated and practiced among the Jews, was a violation of the seventh commandment, as it opened a door to adultery, How this matter was rectified and amended by our Savior. He reduced the ordinance of marriage to its primitive institution: They two shall be one flesh, not to be easily separated, and therefore divorce is not to be allowed, except in case of adultery, which breaks the marriage covenant; but he that puts away his wife upon any other pretence, causes her to commit adultery, and him also that shall marry her when she is thus divorced. Note, Those who lead others into temptation to sin, or leave them in it, or expose them to it, make themselves guilty of their sin, and will be accountable for it. This is one way of being a partaker with adulterers Psalm 50:14-23

Q.1 What are some other reasons for divorce these days?
Q.2 If divorce were not allowed how would that ever work in our society?
Q.3 What hope have we in our world today, to avoid this condemnation?
Q.4 What legal recourse against men did women of Jesus day have?
Q.5 Describe the differences in opportunity for sexual misconduct compared to Jesus’ day
Q.6 What in this context do you feel that Jesus would preach against in our world today?
   No Condemnation                                                                  The Lord will rescue his servants                                                  
Rom 8:1  Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,
Rom 8:2  because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.
There is one signal privilege of true Christians, and Paul describes the character of those to whom it belongs: There is therefore now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus, This is his triumph after that melancholy complaint and conflict in the foregoing sermon verses - sin remaining, disturbing, vexing, but, blessed be God, not ruining. The complaint Jesus takes to himself, but humbly transfers the comfort with himself to all true believers. It is the unspeakable privilege and comfort of all those that are in Christ Jesus that there is therefore now no condemnation to them. He does not say, “There is no accusation against them,” for this there is; but the accusation is thrown out, and the indictment quashed. God has forgotten our sin, and Jesus has made our restitution as promised.

Q.1 What of these two verses is of interest to a Christian?
Q.2 What is the difference between the two laws mentioned?
Q.3 Hebrews 10:17 Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more."
      What of this verse is there that is so central to the Christian?
Q.4 Of what importance are other (so called) religions which  ignore the laws of sin and death
Q.5 How is it that Jesus frees us from sin and death?
Q.6 Just as the  rich man was not pardoned, in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, and we
      know what happened to him. God was judge Jury  and Executioner.
Q.7 What of his plight did Jesus come to change?
Q.8 And what does not change if we do not repent and accept the salvation that Jesus life death  
       and resurrection offers?  

Rom 8:3  For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh,
Rom 8:4  in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
Rom 8:8  Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.
Rom 8:9  You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.
Q.1 What was the law powerless to do?
Q.2 How did sending Jesus to be a sin offering help?
Q.3 How did Jesus condemn sin in the flesh?
Q.4 What is meant by living according to the flesh?
Q.5 What is meant by living according to the spirit?
Q.6 What would appeal to anyone so that they would become hostile to God?
Q.7 How does one have the Spirit of God living in them?

Closing Prayer ………and prayer requests
God our Father, be with us now as we leave this place, continue in fellowship with us and guide and protect us as we go on our way. Be with those of our group who need your healing touch. And be with those, who are suffering persecution for the sake of their faith in You and your Son Jesus our savior. We praise you for your Son Jesus who has made himself the redeemer of all who confess, and repent, and take him as their salvation. We pray that you would bring peace into our troubled world and hold harmless those innocent souls being put to death for their belief in a Supreme God and his Son Jesus, our resurrected savior.   Bring us to the realization of those matters that cause sadness and grief, and make us to be a positive influence for peace in our daily walk with thee. Help us in our struggle to be useful vessels to further your Kingdom on this earth. We pray that you will teach us to be examples in our daily lives that lead others to You through Jesus.
In Jesus Name we pray Amen


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