Monday, October 13, 2014

On Speaking Truth

                                                 Speaking the truth                                  
Opening prayer                                                                                                                       Pg.1

God of our salvation, Just as we come into your presence in great humility, we also come in the joy of being in your service, of spending time in Your word, learning in fellowship among like followers of Your Son Jesus. We are thankful for your word in our study of Jesus’ teachings as given to us in this study of speaking the truth. We pray that our fellowship today will bless each one here and give each of us  joy and purpose that we may be useful vessels in your service.  Be with those of our group who cannot be here today, we pray you will share our blessing with them. Be with those of us who are suffering illness and those who care for them. Restore their health and bring them back into our midst. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen

                                                     About oaths
An oath is a solemn promise about your behavior or your actions. Often, when you take an oath, the promise invokes a divine being. For example, you might swear to God that something is true or swear on the Bible that something is true. Oaths are taken all the time, both a professional capacity and in a personal capacity. In some cases, you can get into serious trouble for taking an oath and then going back on your word or not living up to your promise. For example, if you testify in court and you take an oath to tell the truth and you then lie on the stand, you can be tried for, and convicted of, perjury. If you take an oath of loyalty to your country and you lie, then you can be tried for treason.                                    
                    Jesus Teaches                                                                    
Mat 5:33  "Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.'
Mat 5:34  But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne;
Mat 5:35  or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King.
Mat 5:36  And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.
Mat 5:37  All you need to say is simply 'Yes' or 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
Jesus is teaching here to point out the example of the law wherein one swears to tell the truth with an oath, but lies at the same time. To say we have taken care of a certain matter when we have only reflected on what to do with it is what is commonly called lying. To answer in the affirmative and swear an oath for emphasis is simply making a gesture at appeasing the listener, and that too is lying. An attempt to secure a certain state of well being or comfort for oneself or a friend is an admirable action, but to make the effort successful by having to state a non existent condition is manufacturing a lie. We lie to avoid stress, to avoid inconvenience, to relieve ourselves of certain responsibilities, and as well, we lie for the convenience of the moment. Sometimes we lie so as to embellish the truth, so that we may be framed in a better light. What is it about the human condition that convinces us that we have to lie? Lies are hurtful, inconvenient, and lead to more unsavory conduct. When one lies skillfully enough for a longer period, the life one lives in itself then becomes a lie. All Lying is wrong and should be avoided at all costs. Life is much simpler when one never lies. One then does not have to keep up with the lies so as to seem truthful. Our lies will find us out.   Jesus very simply emphasizes telling the truth in the simplest form. Yes, or No.

                      Jesus Teaches                                                                                   Pg.2                                                                                                                                                                                                    
a). That we must not swear at all, but when we are duly called to it,  we must not take advantage of it for ourselves, or to our own worldly advantage.
Q.1When are we duly called to swear?
Q.2Why are we duly called to swear?
b). That we must not swear lightly and irreverently, in common discourse: it is a very great sin to make a ludicrous appeal to the glorious Majesty of heaven. It is a sin that has no cloak, no excuse for it, and therefore a sign of a graceless heart, in which enmity to God reigns:
Q.3 To what is this referring?
c). That we must avoid promissory oaths: The frequent requiring and using of oaths, is a reflection upon Christians, who should be of such fidelity, that their sober words should be as sacred as their solemn oaths. An oath is licit, and an act of virtue, under certain  conditions. It is, in effect, an act of homage rendered by the creature to the wisdom and omnipotence of the Creator—it is therefore an act of; the virtue of religion. Christ meant, as the Fathers and ecclesiastical writers explain, to be so truthful that  men could believe them without need of oath to confirm what they say. He did not forbid the use of oaths under proper conditions, when necessary to satisfy others of our truthfulness.
Q.4 Why does our justice system require one to swear an oath to God?
Q.5 Does the use of An oath to God offend you or anyone you know?
d). That we must not swear by any other creature, place or thing
(a.) Swear not by the heaven; “As sure as there is a heaven, this is true;” for it is God's throne, where he resides, and in a particular manner manifests his glory, as a Prince upon his throne: One cannot swear by heaven, but also to swear by God himself.
(b.) Nor by the earth, for it is his footstool. He governs the motions of this lower world; as he rules in heaven, so he rules over the earth; The earth is the Lord's; so that in swearing by it, you swear by its Owner.
(c.) Neither by Jerusalem, a place for which the Jews had such a veneration, that they could not speak of any thing more sacred to swear by;  the city of God (Psa_46:4), he is therefore interested in it, and in every oath taken by it.
 (d.) “Neither shalt thou swear by the head; though it be near thee, and an essential part of thee, yet it is more God's than thine;
Q.6 To what, and in what context  are these statements (a) to (d) referring?
e). That therefore in all our communications we must content ourselves with, Yea, yea, and nay, nay, The reason is observable; For whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. It comes from the Devil, the evil one; it comes from the corruption of men's nature, from passion and vehemence; from a reigning vanity in the mind, and a contempt of sacred things: it comes from that deceitfulness which is in men. Men use these protestations, because they are distrustful one of another, and think they cannot be believed without them.
           Q.6 Why do we sometimes feel the need to add emphasis (an oath)to our words even though we speak the truth?

God gave the law to prevent chaos and for our own benefit. To bear false witness is to lie. So often we lie to ourselves, to others, and to God. This leads to distrust, so that man has to swear to affirm that he is telling the truth.  God said we shouldn't take the name of the Lord in vain This made an oath binding, and one had to abide by what he had said. "ye shall not swear by my name falsely." This doesn't mean that we cannot take an oath. God wants us to be trustworthy.
These verses need to be taken in context. If they seem unreasonable, then the interpretation is wrong.
Needing to prove your honesty in one situation, only proves your dishonesty in other situations. The Scribes and Pharisees were famous for swearing oaths even though they were lying, the oath simply made the lies more believable.

Q.1 Why does proving honesty need an oath?

Q.2 What is there about swearing an oath makes one seem honest?

Q.3 Why was Jesus teaching against the use of oaths?

Never will all of the world’s words be true. The world will always need oaths. An oath (in the eyes of some)adds emphasis to the point being made, and seems to enforce the truth of the matter.
Q.4 Why do we use oaths in our world today?

Q.5 has oath taking affected your life in any way?

Q.6 What in your opinion does oath taking do to reinforce your believability?

If your words are always true, then you will never need oaths. Building a reputation of always telling the truth is a difficult thing in today's world. There is so much skepticism. The oath  (if one uses) just seems to add to the doubt that one has when hearing someone swear an oath

Q.7 Why in our world today do we feel that almost everyone is lying to us?

Q.8 Have you ever presumed that people might think you are lying some of the  
Q.9 In the world of story telling (and or lying) do you have a favorite?

Q.10 Describe an occasion that you recall when you were less than forthright?

Q.11 Are you a naturally suspicious person when it comes to accepting someone’s
        telling you the truth?
Q.12 Can you describe an occasion when one feels the need to swear to a statement ?

Meditation:  What would you give to know all  truth!

Truth,  is not something we create nor is it our discovery.  It is the gift of God who is the possessor and the giver of all truth.   Jesus tells his disciples that it is the role of the Holy Spirit to reveal what is true. How can this be?  Skeptics of truth don't want to believe in an absolute Truth.  If truth is objective then it must be submitted to as authoritative.  Some fear the truth because they think it will inhibit their freedom.  Jesus told his disciples that the truth will set you free (John 8:32).The truth liberates us from doubts, illusions, and fears.  Since God is the source of all truth, then the closer we draw to him and listen to his word, the more we grow in the knowledge of him and of his great love and wisdom for us.  Jesus told his disciples that he would send them the Spirit of truth who will announce to you the things to come.  Through the Holy Spirit, we proclaim our ancient faith in the saving death and resurrection of Christ until he comes again. The Lord gives us his Holy Spirit as our divine Teacher and Helper that we may grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God.  Do you seek the wisdom that comes from above and do you willingly obey God's wor

Closing Prayer ………and prayer requests
God our Father, We are so thankful that you Sent Your Son Jesus to be our guide and the light of our lives. We praise you for your Son Jesus who has made himself the redeemer of all who confess, and repent, and take him as their salvation. Be with those of our group who need your touch and bring healing to them………… Help us in the living out of our days that we might be a bright light of truth to those who need our help.  Bring us to the realization of those matters that cause sadness and grief, and make us to be a positive influence for truth and peace in our daily walk with thee.  Be with us now as we leave this place, continue in fellowship with us and guide and protect us as we go on our way.
In Jesus Name we pray Amen

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