Saturday, May 24, 2014

Jesus Confronts Evil

Confronting Evil Spirits                                                                                    pg.1
Luk 4:31  Then he went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and on the Sabbath he taught the people. 32  They were amazed at his teaching, because his words had authority.

After having been rejected in his hometown of Nazareth, and escaping possible death by the crowd who wanted to throw him off a cliff at Nazareth. Jesus moves on, intent on his mission,  He stops at Capernaum and on the Sabbath day he began to teach in their Synagogue, as was his custom. How is that done?  This was known as  "the freedom of the synagogue.  It was a policy that developed early in synagogue life to allow for various teachers, and the ruler had the responsibility to determine who that teacher would be. Here Jesus spoke with authority His words carried a powerful message. There was a commanding force in it. But as usually happens where Jesus is involved, something else also happens to further emphasize his ministry.

Q.1 Does his near death experience in Nazareth seem to have any effect on Jesus?
Q.2 Did you ever question how Jesus just walked into a Synagogue and began to teach?
Q.3 What do we hope to hear on our own Sabbath day?
Q.4 Does the fact that “his words had authority” convey any special meaning to us?                                        

Luk 4:33  In the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an impure spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice,
Luk 4:34  "Go away! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are--the Holy One of God!"

This is the first of several encounters with demonic spirits that Jesus has, and in each case the demonic spirits recognize and acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God.  No doubt he was speaking at this time.  Then the demon which possessed the man recognizes who Jesus is, and knows what is going to happen to him. He begins to call out for Jesus to leave him alone. In addition he causes the possessed man to fall to the floor. But immediately at Jesus command the demon leaves the man. It does not take long when in the presence of our Lord Jesus that evil, will flee. In fact even the mention of his name causes great distress to the evil one. And that was the case in this incident  
Q.1 What two things stand out in these two verses?                                                                                     Q.2 What was a demon possessed person doing in the synagogue ?                                                         Q.3 What does a demonic spirit want with anyone?                                                                                     Q.4 Do we believe that there are evil spirits, evil people and evil throughout the world?                             Q.5 Do the evil spirits, evil people and evil throughout the world, know who Jesus is ?                             Q.6  Do even the evil spirits listen to him?

Pe 5:8  Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Luk 4:35  "Be quiet!" Jesus said sternly. "Come out of him!" Then the demon threw the man down before them all and came out without injuring him.

Here we have the first instance where Jesus performs an exorcism. There are many more instances. In each instance, the demons leave in a dramatic fashion. This instance of Jesus’ power, which many in our day make light of, was then looked upon as greatly magnifying him in power and authority. During Jesus’ time, there were no psychiatrists or mental therapists. And there were no  treatment facilities for those with psychological disorders. Today we have the doctors, and treatment facilities, psychologists, and psychiatrists that are available for those who have mental and emotional disorders. We can treat them and usually bring the disorder under control. But is that the same as an exorcism? And are the possessed people of today simply not recognized?

Q.1 How did the Demonic spirits recognize Jesus right away?                                                                   Q.2 What did people do in Jesus’ day with these possessed people?                                                             Q.3 Do we hear of such possessed persons in our world today?                                                                 Q.4 Do You believe that Jesus can heal such demon possessed people today, or was that just during his time on earth ?                                                                                                                                                                                      
Luk 4:36  All the people were amazed and said to each other, "What words these are! With authority and power he gives orders to impure spirits and they come out!"
Luk 4:37  And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area.

Jesus with one single command silences the demon, and with another , drives him out of the man. Don’t we all wish for the authority of such a man as Jesus. There are those people today who suffer possession by demons.  Demon possession is not necessarily an illness and Satan is clever at disguising his demons. Only Jesus can conquer that which Satan is attempting to take from us. Jesus is the doctor of our souls and the author of our salvation, and he cares deeply about what we are going through as we live day to day.
That one single gift of God can and does provide for our salvation. That is the message of this exorcism. That words from Jesus can overcome the demons in our lives. Jesus Saves!

Q.1 How is it that this man was there that Sabbath day when Jesus was there too?      
Q.2 Do you consider it is the providence of God that allows us to meet Jesus?
Q.3 Is there a definite recognition of demon possession of which we are aware ?                                        Q.4 Is it a reasonable possibility that thru Jesus power even today that demonic spirits can be           exorcised?                                                          



Today's world rarely recognizes a demonic spirit as anything other than a sickness, or mental, or personality disorder. And to be other than normal is just a human defect. True enough these things are real and do have consequences, and must be treated. But could it be possible that the common man of the world today is just not able to comprehend what the power of Satan is doing in our world? We keep, drifting farther and farther from the reality of the power of Jesus’ name. We seem to be catering more and more to the occult and to the heretical views of our world today. We try not to be offensive in our presentation of our religious beliefs. We do not want to offend anyone. Of course then the question is, What if Jesus had conducted his mission in similar fashion. Where would that leave the hope of our salvation?  Even the demons recognize him and have no choice but to obey his commands. Actually Satan knows very well that his world is a doomed world and simply wants to inflict As much harm, grief, pain and hopelessness as is possible while he is here. But we have this one thing as our hope. And that is the amazing power given to us at just the mention of Jesus’ name. We can call on him even in the hopelessness brought on us by our demons.

Satan leaves no stone unturned. But Jesus shows us his power and majesty over our demons through this example and many others which we will cover in our studies. This is just the first of several instances where Jesus recovers a lost soul from certain destruction by his powerful presence.  We are not told what happens to the man after the exorcism, only that  he was not harmed and the evil spirit left him. We would be left with the thought that after Jesus has finished this miracle, that life and the wholeness that Jesus has restored in the man has returned to normal. And he can resume his presence and worship of God in the synagogue. Jesus does that to all lives he touches. He changes the way one approaches life’s trials and tribulations. He magnifies his presence and diminishes the evils that plague mankind. Increasing the faith of the individual to such that even Satan’s wiles no longer claim our souls and we are free to worship God because of Jesus.

I highly doubt that the man with the unclean spirit was there in the synagogue by accident. In most cases, those with unclean spirits were kept in the homes, they were locked up or in ostracized communities, or they lived away and alone like the man who lived among the tombs with the legion of demons which possessed him. Thus, we can ascertain that this was not a coincidence here. That is why this confrontation is intriguing. Those that are looking for the truth see the authoritative teaching, and the signs and wonders that back up what Jesus, the teacher is saying. The power to subdue evil belongs to Jesus, and  Jesus only. Had the demoniac been able to buy his freedom from the demons, one has to wonder if that isn’t what he would have done.
News about good things spreads fast. This is what Christians are to exemplify in their lives so as to be living witnesses to the miraculous power that Jesus has to transform lost souls into redeemed souls for Christ.. Remember, the Christian is to  be bold for Christ at all times, especially in difficult situations.

Opening Prayer:                                                                                                         Pg.4

Father God, we come to study about Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ whom we believe with all our heart is our Savior. We understand that there are people in this world who need to meet Jesus, and be cleansed. Our study today takes us to one of those places. We ask that no word be spoken here tonight which might be contrary to your will and that each word be blessed with your approval, or it not be spoken. Bless those who are here tonight with the perfect understanding of those things which You would have us learn from this study. Bless our brothers and sisters in Christ who need your healing touch, give them reassurance that even though you are not present in body, you are most certainly with us in spirit. Offer them your healing Spirit as you truly are there with them. We ask this in the name of Jesus Amen

Our study today is about Jesus in a synagogue in Capernaum with a very disturbed man who beseeches Jesus to leave him alone. This man had an urgent need, Jesus answered his need and removed the spirit of evil which had captivated him. As a result the man was healed and Jesus had only to speak to the demon and it fled his presence. The man was unharmed because the power to subdue evil belongs to Jesus, and  Jesus only. Had the demoniac been able to buy his freedom from the demons, one has to wonder if that isn’t what he would have done.
News about good things spreads fast. This is what Christians are to exemplify in their lives so as to be living witnesses to the miraculous power that Jesus has, to transform lost souls into redeemed souls because of Christ. Remember, the Christian is to  be bold for Christ at all times, especially in difficult situations. Jesus can do miracles, we just need to trust him at his word.

Closing Prayer:
Father God,  be with us now as we leave this place. May we carry with us your blessing as we continue in our efforts to live the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. We pray for your continued watch over our loved ones and those among us who need your healing hand to touch them in their time of distress. Some are ill some are conflicted, all need your healing power. We pray now that  we will have Your guidance as we continue in our day to day living. It is in Jesus name we pray, AMEN

The seven major exorcism accounts in the Synoptic Gospels which have details, and imply specific teachings
· Exorcism at the Synagogue in Capernaum,
· Exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac,
· Exorcising the Canaanite woman's daughter,
· Exorcising the blind and mute man
· Exorcising a boy possessed by a demon,
· Jesus exorcising at sunset
· Jesus exorcising a mute
· Jesus healing two blind men.

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