God of our salvation, Just as we come into your presence in great humility, we also come in the joy of being in your service, of spending time in Your word, learning in fellowship among like followers of Your Son Jesus. We are thankful for your word in our study of the beatitudes as given to us by Jesus. We pray that our fellowship today will bless each one here and give each of us joy and purpose that we may be useful vessels in your service. Be with those of our group who cannot be here today, we pray you will share our blessing with them. Be with those of us who are suffering illness and those who care for them. Restore their health and bring them back into our midst. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen
The Study
Continuing our study of the beatitudes as given to us by Jesus in his sermon on the mount This particular study gives us some insights as to what true peacemakers are and as such, what to expect because one is a follower of the way, and a servant to Jesus Christ. The one quality and the other two conditions listed in the study are to be desired and sought after by anyone who would be a Christian.
This is also a departure from there being only 8 beatitudes to what some scholars say are 9 since there is reference in the eighth to “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness” and an additional reference to “blessed are you who are persecuted because of me”. There are two different rewards mentioned as well, the first being “theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”, the other is “Great is your reward in Heaven”. It is not our purpose in this Study of Jesus’ teachings to cause to be lessened, the teachings of Jesus, but to add emphasis to the word as it was given to us by Jesus for our study, and edification of the knowledge that he has given to us in all of his words. Jesus did not misspeak nor does he choose to teach us that his words have a double meaning. Our purpose is to learn from him how to live the beatitudes and as Christians, to lead others to him through our applying these principles to our daily lives.
7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
The Bible says we have peace with God through Jesus Christ. Reconciliation through Jesus Christ brings restored fellowship (peace) with God. 2 Corinthians 5:19-20 says God entrusts us with this same message of reconciliation to take to others. Peacemakers not only live peaceful lives but also try to bring peace and friendship to others, and to preserve peace between God and man. St. Gregory of Nyssa calls a peacemaker a man who brings peace to another; but one cannot give another what one does not possess oneself. Hence the Lord wants you first to be yourself filled with the blessings of peace and then to communicate it to those who have need of it. By imitating God's love of man, the peacemakers become children of God.
Q.1 In the previous session, what is the phrase that is common to this discussion as well?
Q.2 Is it possible for one to be a peacemaker in our troubled world today?
Q.3 Have you ever experienced the act of being a peacemaker in any way ?
Q.4 Was Jesus considered a peacemaker in his day?
Q.5 Mat 10:34 "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. How does this verse fit into our study?
Q.6 “Sons of God” What does this phrase mean in the context which it is used.
The one key element in Matt. 10:34, is the word "sword," and it’s meaning is clear. It indicates that following Jesus may not bring peace to a family, but may "split" it up, the precise function of a metaphorical sword. Are we, his disciples ready for that? This applies where a nation, or a race of people, or even one’s family rejects Jesus. The act of being a follower of Jesus is sometimes so foreign to some as to turn them against those who have claimed him as Savior. Jesus’ mission is to convert souls to follow his teaching and become reconciled to God on God’s terms, repenting of their sins, and accepting His Son as Savior. And Jesus is warning his disciples that sometimes this will divide families, people, or even nations.
To become children of God one must accept Jesus Christ as the sole remission of our sin, making us heirs to the bountiful blessings God has in store to those who thru Christ have been accepted into the family of God. Peacemakers are righteous, merciful, pure of heart and upheld thru Jesus Christ by the mighty right arm of God. This association is contingent upon the ladder of the beatitudes being our entry to the family of God, and heirs with Jesus Christ. Giving us peace with God and making us adopted children of God.
Paraphrase: "Blessed are those who have been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and who bring this same message of reconciliation to others. All those who have peace with God are called his sons
8. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
To persecute means literally to pursue; follow after, as one does a fleeing enemy. Here it means to vex, or oppress one, because of his religion. They persecute others who injure their names, reputation, property, or who endanger or take their life, on account of their religious beliefs.
Just as Jesus faced persecution, so he promised his followers persecution. Those who endure because of their faith rather than hiding their righteousness to avoid persecution are genuine followers of Christ. If one is to be considered righteous, they will be kind, loving, fair minded, and pure in heart and mind, free of evil in thought, word, or deed. Righteousness (also called rectitude) is an important theological concept in Christianity Judaism and Islam. It is an attribute that implies that a person's actions are justified, and can have the connotation that the person has been "judged" or "reckoned" as leading a life that is pleasing to God. If, in the honest effort to be Christians, and to live the life of Christians, others persecute and revile us, we are to consider this as a blessing. It is an evidence that we are the children of God, and that he will defend us. “All that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution,” 2Ti_3:12.
Q.1 Christians are persecuted for whose righteousness ?
Q.2 Are Christians being persecuted today through laws and regulations ?
Q.3 What other means of persecution are Christians subjected to today ?
Q.4 Do you consider the banning of prayer in schools, a form of persecution?
Q.5 Do you believe that God Judges those who persecute the righteous?
Q.6 Why would God allow such persecutions of the righteous?
Q.7 What is meant by the phrase “Theirs is the kingdom of heaven”?
Q.8 Is this the final blessing, or is it given in the next verse?
Heaven will become as an inheritance, for those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for Jesus’ sake. Not as a reward for good works that we have done or for how we were treated, but because we were steadfast in our faith in the face of persecution, even death.
The inheritance is promised as a blessing, and of a certainty there will not be persecution of anyone or anything in Heaven, all will be pleased to be in the presence of the throne of God and will enjoy eternal joy with God in paradise.
Paraphrase: "Blessed are those daring enough to openly live for righteousness and suffer persecution, for they will receive the kingdom of heaven."
9. "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
Mat 5:12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
The Lord Jesus Christ calls especially blessed those who for the sake of Christ and for the true faith in Him, patiently bear disgrace, persecution, malice, defamation, mockery, privation and even death. Such a spiritual feat is known as martyrdom. There is no higher spiritual feat than martyrdom. The courage of Christian martyrs must be distinguished from fanaticism, which is irrational zeal not according to reason. Christian martyrs must also be distinguished from the lack of feeling brought on by despair or pretended indifference. Christian courage is based on the highest of Christian virtues, on faith in God, on hope in God, on love for God and neighbor, on complete obedience and unshaken faith in the Lord God. The highest form of martyrdom was suffered by Jesus Christ Himself, and in like manner, the Apostles and an innumerable multitude of Christians, who with joy went to martyrdom for the name of Christ.
Q.1 Who is being insulted, persecuted, and falsely spoken evil against? And for what reason ?
Q.2 Have you ever experienced being falsely accused?
Q.3 In the preceding Beatitudes, Is Jesus giving us the description of what a Christian should be?
Q.4. Have you ever experienced persecution because of Your faith in Jesus as your savior?
Q.5 Have you ever been the subject of gossip or falsehood?
Q.6 Have you any questions about rejoicing because of such injustices against you?
Q.7 Do our civil laws have any type of provision for remedial justice in such cases?
Q.8 What would you consider that Jesus meant by “great is your reward in Heaven
For the spiritual feat of martyrdom, the Lord promises a reward in Heaven. But here on earth the Lord glorifies many martyrs for their firm confession of faith with incorruptible bodies and miracles. How different is that concept? From the concept of persecution because of righteousness. There are two different concepts herein described. And two different blessings also described. The one promising that being persecuted because of righteousness one will receive the Kingdom of Heaven, and the other promising that being insulted and persecuted because of (ones faith in) Jesus, great is one’s reward in Heaven. I do not think Jesus misspoke, as these words are given to us as having been spoken by Jesus, in the form of two different kinds of blessings.
Paraphrase: "Blessed are those daring enough to openly live their faith in God through the leading of Jesus and his teachings, and suffer persecution, and even death. Great is their reward in the kingdom of heaven."
There is one additional beatitude:
John 20:29 Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.
In rising from these meditations, O my soul, see that thou hast learnt this lesson well. Be careful what thou sayest of the Lord's redeemed, and how thou actest towards them. They are not only dear to His heart; He delights in them. Grieve Him not by any unkindness to them. If plain speaking or faithful dealing with some be needful, let all be done in love and tenderness. "Let brotherly love continue." That must never be interrupted, though brotherly kindness may, with the Lord's sanction.
The Lord grant that our meditations on these beautiful beatitudes may leave an indelible impression of the Saviour's character, not only on the whole life of the writer, but also of the reader. So shall we answer to the divine emblems here spoken of; "salt" and "light" — the preservative principle or energy in the place where light has already come, where truth is already professed: and the blessed activities of love that go out in the light of grace and truth to a dark benighted world. Be this thy mission, O my soul, unweariedly, unchangeably, that many may be turned from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified, by faith which is in Christ Jesus. Acts 26:16-18.
Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, God of our salvation. There is so much about becoming a Christian and being a Christian that we do not know. We pray that through our study of Your word and through our interactions with our Christian Brothers and Sisters that we can become more Like Your Son Jesus in our Christian walk. We know that our wayward condition needs your constant attention so that we may Grow in our Christian faith. We ask you blessings now on each of us, and our loved ones and those among us who are sick or disabled, that your Holy Spirit will be with us in all that we do and give comfort to us in our times of distress. Help us in our daily walk with thee. In the Name of Jesus we pray. AMEN